Book Review: ABC - Life in the Womb
10 Best Christmas Movies: The Definitive List...Ever...For Real
I'll be teaching AGAIN at the Heartbeat Conference!!!
The Characteristics That Make a Great Church Comedian
How Your Pregnancy Resource Center’s Annual Banquet Can Inspire Pro-Life Action in the Family
Starting My Second Book - Our Miracle Adoption Story
Why You Should Hire a Comedian for Your Next Corporate Christmas Party
What do christian nonprofit board members need to know about fundraising banquets?
6 Reasons to Have a Christian Comedian Speak at Your Annual Banquet
Embracing the Call: Encouraging Pregnancy Care Center Directors in Their Sacred Work
What Information Should Be Included on Your Donation Card for a Fundraising Banquet
How to Successfully Market a Clean Comedy Show for a Christian Non-Profit Fundraiser
Be A Successful Fundraiser in 4 Hours a Week!
Free Booklet - Simple Banquet Fundraising Guide!
Embracing Generosity: The Heart of Christian Fundraising
Quick Guide to Fundraising for Smaller Non-Profits
Downloadable Annual Fundraising Banquet Planner
Maximizing Your Fundraising Banquet: Strategies for Success
Catch my Breakout Session at the Care Net National Conference!
A Fundraising Event at the End of the Year????